Kernel Linux y renice/ionice
Eduardo Silva
edsiper en
Lun Ene 31 13:09:18 CLST 2011
hola estimado,
Respuesta: man renice , en el manpage aparece el sgte ejemplo:
renice +1 987 -u daemon root -p 32
would change the priority of process ID's 987 and 32, and all processes
owned by users daemon and root.
Users other than the super-user may only alter the priority of
processes they own, and can only monotonically increase their ``nice value''
within the range 0 to PRIO_MAX (20). (This prevents overriding
administrative fiats.) The super-user may alter the priority of any process
and set the priority to any value in the range PRIO_MIN (-20) to PRIO_MAX.
Useful priorities are: 20 (the affected processes will run only when nothing
else in the system wants to), 0 (the ``base'' scheduling priority), anything
negative (to make things go very fast).
2011/1/31 Electrolinux <ralbab en>
> Estimados listeros:
> Alguno de ustedes ha usado estos comandos:
> renice: altera las prioridades para correr procesos
> ionice: asigna la prioridad de input/output (al parecer solo acceso disco
> duro)
> No he encontrado un ejemplo concreto de uso... si hay alguien que tenga o
> sepa, le agradeceré cualquier ayuda.
> Saludos
> Ricardo Albarracin B.
Eduardo Silva
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