consulta sobre ifolder en linux

Hector hmedina en
Vie Ago 19 17:27:08 CLT 2011

El 17-08-2011 16:44, Juan C. Olivares escribió:
> Hace como 5 años lo usé con clientes Linux y Windows, pero no entiendo tú
> pregunta. Qué versión es? Qué error te da? Etc.
> On Aug 17, 2011 4:42 PM, "Hector"<hmedina en>  wrote:
>> Estimados:
>> Quisiera consultarles sobre la implementacion de ifolder en linux, ya lo
> tengo instalado y funcionando en ambiente web, pero tengo problemaas para
> conectarme con clientes alguna idea.
>> desde ya gracias
>> Héctor
Tengo un server en ubuntu 9.10 con ifolder 3.8.0
primero no he podido conectarlo con un servidor ldap
(por mientras cree usuarios manualmente), y me puedo conectar solo via 
y se conecta sin problemas:

2011-08-19 17:23:27,574 [-1270916240] DEBUG 
Simias.Security.Web.AuthenticationModule - In 
verify[rincipalfromrequest: soapmethod is GetAuthenticatedUser
2011-08-19 17:23:27,583 [-1270916240] DEBUG Simias.DomainProvider - 
domainID 9b509689-9b98-462f-b476-aaee1d4e6e47
2011-08-19 17:23:27,583 [-1270916240] DEBUG Simias.Server.Authentication 
- Authenticate called
2011-08-19 17:23:27,588 [-1270916240] INFO  Simias.Server.Authentication 
- Authenticated User iS : 266d028d-f426-47c4-9057-23cb0a9a8a59:hmedina 
2011-08-19 17:23:27,595 [-1270916240] DEBUG Simias.Server.Authentication 
- id.Auth : localhost ip is :
2011-08-19 17:23:27,595 [-1270916240] DEBUG Simias.Server.Authentication 
- id.Auth : this persons homeadd ip is :
2011-08-19 17:23:27,599 [-1270916240] DEBUG Simias.Storage.Collection - 
Member Count 1 Owner Count 0
2011-08-19 17:23:27,599 [-1270916240] DEBUG Simias.Storage.Collection - 
Current Owner ID e3dd0b2a-5336-424f-a0b9-3f2f17780f9b Name admin
2011-08-19 17:23:27,599 [-1270916240] DEBUG Simias.Storage.Collection - 
Node Owner ID 266d028d-f426-47c4-9057-23cb0a9a8a59 Name hmedina Owner false
2011-08-19 17:23:27,599 [-1270916240] DEBUG Simias.Storage.Collection - 
Member Count 1 Owner Count 1
2011-08-19 17:23:27,613 [-1353491600] DEBUG Simias.Server.Catalog - 
Member 266d028d-f426-47c4-9057-23cb0a9a8a59 modified in collection 
2011-08-19 17:23:27,632 [-1270916240] DEBUG iFolder.WebService.iFolder - 
Before return
2011-08-19 17:23:27,657 [-1256219792] DEBUG 
Simias.Security.Web.AuthenticationModule - The web method is: 
2011-08-19 17:23:27,671 [-1254114448] DEBUG 
Simias.Security.Web.AuthenticationModule - In 
verify[rincipalfromrequest: soapmethod is GetAuthenticatedUser
2011-08-19 17:23:27,673 [-1254114448] DEBUG Simias.DomainProvider - 
domainID 9b509689-9b98-462f-b476-aaee1d4e6e47
2011-08-19 17:23:27,673 [-1254114448] DEBUG Simias.Server.Authentication 
- Authenticate called
2011-08-19 17:23:27,685 [-1254114448] INFO  Simias.Server.Authentication 
- Authenticated User iS : 266d028d-f426-47c4-9057-23cb0a9a8a59:hmedina 
2011-08-19 17:23:27,691 [-1254114448] DEBUG Simias.Server.Authentication 
- id.Auth : localhost ip is :
2011-08-19 17:23:27,691 [-1254114448] DEBUG Simias.Server.Authentication 
- id.Auth : this persons homeadd ip is :
2011-08-19 17:23:27,706 [-1254114448] DEBUG Simias.Storage.Collection - 
Member Count 1 Owner Count 0
2011-08-19 17:23:27,706 [-1254114448] DEBUG Simias.Storage.Collection - 
Current Owner ID e3dd0b2a-5336-424f-a0b9-3f2f17780f9b Name admin
2011-08-19 17:23:27,706 [-1254114448] DEBUG Simias.Storage.Collection - 
Node Owner ID 266d028d-f426-47c4-9057-23cb0a9a8a59 Name hmedina Owner false
2011-08-19 17:23:27,707 [-1254114448] DEBUG Simias.Storage.Collection - 
Member Count 1 Owner Count 1
2011-08-19 17:23:27,718 [-1353491600] DEBUG Simias.Server.Catalog - 
Member 266d028d-f426-47c4-9057-23cb0a9a8a59 modified in collection 
2011-08-19 17:23:27,722 [-1254114448] DEBUG iFolder.WebService.iFolder - 
Before return
2011-08-19 17:23:27,743 [-1270916240] DEBUG 
Simias.Security.Web.AuthenticationModule - The web method is: GetSystem
2011-08-19 17:23:27,752 [-1256219792] DEBUG 
Simias.Security.Web.AuthenticationModule - The web method is: GetHomeServer
2011-08-19 17:23:27,774 [-1254114448] DEBUG 
Simias.Security.Web.AuthenticationModule - The web method is: GetSetting
2011-08-19 17:23:27,827 [-1270916240] DEBUG 
Simias.Security.Web.AuthenticationModule - The web method is: 
2011-08-19 17:23:27,829 [-1270916240] DEBUG iFolder.WebService.iFolder - 
In iFolder CatalogEntry ID:
2011-08-19 17:23:27,839 [-1256219792] DEBUG 
Simias.Security.Web.AuthenticationModule - The web method is: 
2011-08-19 17:23:27,849 [-1270916240] DEBUG 
Simias.Security.Web.AuthenticationModule - The web method is: GetiFolder
2011-08-19 17:23:27,851 [-1270916240] DEBUG iFolder.WebService.iFolder - 
In iFolder Collection ID:
2011-08-19 17:23:27,852 [-1270916240] DEBUG iFolder.WebService.iFolder - 
Before return
2011-08-19 17:23:27,866 [-1254114448] DEBUG 
Simias.Security.Web.AuthenticationModule - The web method is: 
2011-08-19 17:23:27,910 [-1254114448] DEBUG Simias.Storage.Store - 
Filetype filter going to add : Thumbs.db
2011-08-19 17:23:27,910 [-1254114448] DEBUG Simias.Storage.Store - 
Filetype filter going to add : .DS_Store

pero al momento de conectarme con el cliente para windows de la pagina 
oficial de
me arroja el siguiente error:
2011-08-19 17:25:23,735 [-1256219792] DEBUG 
Simias.Security.Web.AuthenticationModule - In 
verify[rincipalfromrequest: soapmethod is GetDomainID
2011-08-19 17:25:26,746 [-1256219792] DEBUG Simias.DomainProvider - 
domainID 9b509689-9b98-462f-b476-aaee1d4e6e47
2011-08-19 17:25:26,746 [-1256219792] DEBUG Simias.Server.Authentication 
- Authenticate called
2011-08-19 17:25:26,753 [-1270916240] DEBUG Simias.DomainProvider - 
domainID 9b509689-9b98-462f-b476-aaee1d4e6e47
2011-08-19 17:25:26,754 [-1270916240] DEBUG Simias.Server.Authentication 
- Authenticate called
2011-08-19 17:25:26,759 [-1270916240] INFO  Simias.Server.Authentication 
- InvalidCredentials : hmedina
2011-08-19 17:25:26,765 [-1270916240] DEBUG Simias.Server.Authentication 
- id.Auth : localhost ip is :
2011-08-19 17:25:26,766 [-1270916240] DEBUG Simias.Server.Authentication 
- id.Auth : this persons homeadd ip is :

desde ya gracias

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