2007 Linux Desktop/Client Survey

Carlos Sepúlveda carlos.sepulveda en gmail.com
Mie Oct 17 10:09:09 CLST 2007


Me parece importante participar...

The information from this survey will assist the Linux Foundation
Desktop Linux workgroup to focus on areas of development that are
important to you. The results of this survey may also be valuable to
your business. Once you complete the survey, you will be able to view
the current aggregated public results of the survey.

The 2007 Linux Desktop/Client Survey asks you to answer a few
questions based on your company's desktop/client plans and not
necessarily your personal desktop usage.

If you provide contact information at the end of the survey, the
survey results and analysis will be sent to you when the survey is
complete. Note: contact information is not a required entry and your
contact information will not be published or shared.


Está disponible en inglés, francés, japonés, ruso y español (de momento)
Carlos A. Sepulveda M.

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