Ayuda con FC3

Rodrigo Videla ravidelac en gmail.com
Jue Nov 11 11:46:31 CLST 2004

Hola listeros:

  Tengo un problema post instalacion de FC3.

he instaldo FC3 bajo vmware 4.0.0 para windows xp

al arrancar por primera vez el sistema FC3 arrojo el siguiente problema

Booting 'Fedora Core (2.6.9-1.667)'

root (hd0,0)
   Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.9-1.667 ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 rhgb quiet
   [Linux-bzimage, setup=0x1400, size=0x155da5]
initrd /initrd-2.6.9-1.667.img
   [Linux-initrd @ 0x15dda000, 0x105639 bytes]

Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel.
PCI: Connot allocate resource region 4 device 0000:00:07.1
audit(1100161409.061:0): initialized
(running in test mode).
(running in test mode).
Red Hat nash version 4.1.18 starting
(running in test mode).
Red Hat nash version 4.1.18 starting
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

Espero que alguien me pueda ayudar


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