Lessig sobre Derecho de Autor [Was: Re: xmame]
Alvaro Herrera
alvherre en dcc.uchile.cl
Jue Ago 19 16:04:24 CLT 2004
On Wed, Jun 23, 2004 at 05:47:57PM -0400, Jens Hardings wrote:
> Ricardo Mun~oz A. wrote:
> >>"So I don't see internationally, yet, a strong opposition to the
> >>american vision of this, although it's growing. I think for example that
> >>Chile has become an extraordinary source of hatred toward the american
> >>policies. And Chile is doing a lot to organize countries such as Brazil
> >>to resist american policies in a wide range of contexts because of their
> >>frustration and anger about this particular extension."
> >quizas se le podria preguntar directamente a Lessig.
> Ya envié la pregunta a Lessig y a la gente que estuvo involucrada por
> parte del gobierno chileno en el tema del TLC. Cuando llegue alguna
> respuesta les comento.
Tuviste alguna?
Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]dcc.uchile.cl>)
"Siempre hay que alimentar a los dioses, aunque la tierra esté seca" (Orual)
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