Carlos Sepúlveda
carlos.sepulveda en gmail.com
Jue Sep 20 16:19:24 CLT 2007
On 14/09/2007, Tester de linux <testerlinux en gmail.com> wrote:
> Alguien sabe por que se da el error al correr webalizer
> Error: Unable to restore run data (8)
> He googleado y no sale nada que diga el por que ocurra y como se
> soluciona el problemilla...
En la página de webalizer aparece esto
Error: Unable to restore run data (8)
by Mrs. Karen Debbie - Apr 4th 2006 10:54:40
Recently, my Webalizer froze and did not display any data after a
specific day. It gave the following error:
Error: Unable to restore run data (8)
and something about a dns-cache.db lock.
To resolve this, I did the following:
Erased all my httpd log files (/etc/httpd/access_log).
Erased the old non-updating webalizer output pages at
(var/www/html/usage) which varies by install.
Erased everything in (/var/lib/webalizer) which included:
I then restarted webalizer by typing 'webalizer' at the SSH command
prompt using PuTTy.
Although this erased all my logs and prior info, it got things running
again. Next time, I'll try deleting the HTTPD log files last to see if
it works.
Good Luck!
PD: Era el 1º link en google
PD2: Mas alla de indicar "he googleado y no sale nada" es mejor que
indiques que has hecho, por ejemplo, es posible que este procedimiento
ya lo hayas realizado....
Carlos A. Sepulveda M.
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