nfs con error por RPC

Fernando Montenegro fmontenegro en
Lun Abr 10 12:24:55 CLT 2006

Mauricio Vergara Ereche wrote:
> El Jueves, 6 de Abril de 2006 11:56, Fernando Montenegro escribió:
>> Estimados:
> Hola!
	Muchas gracias por responder.
>>     Quiero compartir archivos mediante nfs entre dos computadores que
>> tienen ubuntu (dapper).
>>     Instalé los paquetes:
>>     - nfs-common
>>     - nfs-kernel-server
>>     - portmap
>>     Compartí los directorios deseados en
>>             //etc/exports
>>     y le dí seguridad con
>>     /        /etc/hosts.deny
>>     y
>>             /etc/hosts.allow.
> podrias agregar qué fue lo que pusiste en esos 3 archivos?
>>     El problema es que al intentar conectarme desde el computador
>> "cliente"  me arroja el error:
>>     # mount /media/fer
>>     *mount: RPC: Program not registered*
> Primero revisar si está andando el servicio nfs y portmap en el servidor

# ps aux | grep portmap
daemon    3745  0.0  0.0   1668   496 ?        Ss   09:14   0:00
root      8714  0.0  0.0   2876   796 pts/0    R+   10:42   0:00 grep


# rpcinfo -p
    program vers proto   port
     100000    2   tcp    111  portmapper
     100000    2   udp    111  portmapper
     100024    1   udp    698  status
     100024    1   tcp    701  status
     100003    2   udp   2049  nfs
     100003    3   udp   2049  nfs
     100003    4   udp   2049  nfs
     100003    2   tcp   2049  nfs
     100003    3   tcp   2049  nfs
     100003    4   tcp   2049  nfs
     100021    1   udp  32825  nlockmgr
     100021    3   udp  32825  nlockmgr
     100021    4   udp  32825  nlockmgr
     100021    1   tcp  51293  nlockmgr
     100021    3   tcp  51293  nlockmgr
     100021    4   tcp  51293  nlockmgr
     100005    1   udp    822  mountd
     100005    1   tcp    825  mountd
     100005    2   udp    822  mountd
     100005    2   tcp    825  mountd
     100005    3   udp    822  mountd
     100005    3   tcp    825  mountd

> Segundo, revisar si está andando el servicio de portmap en el cliente.

en el cliente:

# ps aux | grep portmap
daemon   17539  0.0  0.0   1668   464 ?        Ss   11:57   0:00
root     20103  0.0  0.0   2896   848 pts/2    S+   12:19   0:00 grep

> no pasa nada, postea los archivos que editaste (El exports y los tcp
> wrappers) para ver qué está pasando
> Saludos!

Adjunto los archivos.
El error se sigue produciendo....


Fernando Montenegro G.
LinuxUser #366693

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------------ próxima parte ------------
# /etc/exports: the access control list for filesystems which may be exported
#		to NFS clients.  See exports(5).
------------ próxima parte ------------
# /etc/hosts.allow: list of hosts that are allowed to access the system.
#                   See the manual pages hosts_access(5), hosts_options(5)
#                   and /usr/doc/netbase/portmapper.txt.gz
# Example:    ALL: LOCAL @some_netgroup
#             ALL: EXCEPT
# If you're going to protect the portmapper use the name "portmap" for the
# daemon name. Remember that you can only use the keyword "ALL" and IP
# addresses (NOT host or domain names) for the portmapper, as well as for
# rpc.mountd (the NFS mount daemon). See portmap(8), rpc.mountd(8) and 
# /usr/share/doc/portmap/portmapper.txt.gz for further information.
------------ próxima parte ------------
# /etc/hosts.deny: list of hosts that are _not_ allowed to access the system.
#                  See the manual pages hosts_access(5), hosts_options(5)
#                  and /usr/doc/netbase/portmapper.txt.gz
# Example:    ALL:, .some.domain
#             ALL EXCEPT in.fingerd:, .other.domain
# If you're going to protect the portmapper use the name "portmap" for the
# daemon name. Remember that you can only use the keyword "ALL" and IP
# addresses (NOT host or domain names) for the portmapper. See portmap(8)
# and /usr/doc/portmap/portmapper.txt.gz for further information.
# The PARANOID wildcard matches any host whose name does not match its
# address.

# You may wish to enable this to ensure any programs that don't
# validate looked up hostnames still leave understandable logs. In past
# versions of Debian this has been the default.

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