{Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Correos normales como posibles spamm

José Miguel Vidal Lavín jmvidal en sertotal.cl
Mar Mar 16 18:11:28 CLT 2004

pero en mi servidor no hay nada ligado a monkeys y sigo recibiendo correos 
con el subject marcado como posible spamm.

On Tue, 16 Mar 2004 15:02:11 -0500 (CST), jas wrote
> El servicio ha sido discontinuado y monkeys.com ha configurado el mismo
> para que cualquier ip sea considerada como spammer, a continuación la
> explicación sacada de http://www.monkeys.com/upl/index.html
> Monkeys.Com DNS Anti-Spam Lists
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Final Shutdown Notice
> NOTICE: All Monkeys.Com DNS anti-spam lists were shut down and
> discontinued on September 23rd, 2003. As of Sunday March 15th, 2004, 
> the final shutdown phase for these lists has begun and as of now 
> every IP address in the world has been listed on the former 
> Monkeys.Com anti-spam lists as a final inducement to get other 
> Internet sites to stop referring to our former anti-spam lists.
> If you have received an undeliverable e-mail bounce message in 
> response to some piece of e-mail that you sent, and if that message 
> directed you to this web page, then the mail server administrator of 
> the Internet site that you were attempting to send your original e-
> mail message to is incorrectly continuing to filter the inbound e-
> mail for his/her Internet site using one of the defunct Monkeys.Com 
> anti-spam lists.
> Unfortunately, we here at Monkeys.Com cannot help you to resolve this
> problem. You will need to make contact with the mail server administrator
> at the Internet site that you were trying to send e-mail to and 
> inform him/her of the problem. When doing so, please refer the mail server
> administrator to this web page.
> Please note that we have made all reasonable attempts to contact all 
> of the different mail server administrators at all of the different Internet
> sites that have been using our anti-spam lists, and we have tried to
> convince them all to stop improperly making references to our former
> anti-spam lists, however our records indicate that despite these 
> efforts, as of Sunday, March 14th, 2004, there are still over 1,500 
> Internet sites that are still improperly referring to the various
> Monkeys.Com anti-spam lists. (All of these anti-spam lists were officially
> shut down and discontinued way back in September of 2003, and a 
> public announcement of the shutdown was made at the time. Also, and 
> additionally, a final end-of-life public notice was posted to 
> various anti-spam mailing lists and newsgroups on February 10th, 
> 2004.)
> Please do not attempt to contact Monkeys.Com regarding mail delivery
> problems, except in cases where you are actually sending mail to someone
> at Monkeys.Com. We have absolutely NO CONTROL over the mail server
> configurations at other Internet sites.
> __END__
> > X-DISC Ingenieria de Software-MailScanner-Information: Please contact
> > the ISP for more information X-DISC Ingenieria de Software-MailScanner:
> > Found to be clean
> >
> >
> > sucede lo mismo anteriormente.... al consultar en ODBR sale la info...
> > ya sea buena o mala el mailscanner dice que estas out, creo que es
> > recomendable no utilizarlas....
> >
> > en el archivo de spam.lists.conf aparece lo siguiente.....
> >
> > #Infinite-Monkeys               proxies.relays.monkeys.com.
> > #osirusoft.com                  relays.osirusoft.com.
> > # These two lists are now dead and must not be used.
> >
> > chequeen si estas utilizando estos server para consultas de spam....
> > quizas por ahi va la cosa....
> >
> > saludos.
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
> > René Vilches V.
> > rvilches en disc.cl
> > Usuario Linux #322916 « counter.li.org »
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
> > __________________________
> > DISC Ingenieria de Software.

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