OpenBSD 3.9 viene bien

Jorge Niedbalski R. jorge.niedbalski en
Mar Mar 28 15:07:28 CLT 2006

Puro amor al arte y un par de alianzas para continuar portando el nucleo 
con motorola mantiene vivo OpenBSD.

Colaboren con una polera, disco, viene mal.


Jorge Niedbalski R.

Víctor Hugo Pasten Varas wrote:

>ojo... ha comprar los cd's, parecen que andan "pobletes" los del proyecto
>Mensaje citado por Jorge Medina <jmedina en>:
>>OpenBSD 3.9, which is scheduled for release on 1 May, includes support for
>>the sensors and the sensor management tools used on a number of
>>architectures, Theo de Raadt, the founder and lead developer of OpenBSD,
>>told ZDNet UK earlier this week.
>>"There is a significant new sensor framework [in OpenBSD 3.9], which
>>supports voltage sensors, fan sensors, temperature sensors, and so on," said
>>de Raadt. "Such a feature is still missing in Linux and other major
>>operating systems."
>>Jorge A. Medina.
>>Traza Ltda.
>>Addr: Providencia AV. #1017 8 floor Santiago - Chile
>>Phone: 562-4396956
>Víctor Pasten V.
>Redes y Servidores
>vpasten en
>This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

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