[Alumnos-ii-cs] Coloquio Departamental, Martes 23 de Septiembre 12:00, F106 CC y LPA CSJ

Claudio Torres L. ctorres at inf.utfsm.cl
Fri Sep 12 16:06:54 CLST 2014

Estimad at s,

Este *Martes 23 de Septiembre a las 12:00* tendremos nuestro coloquio 
departamental en la F-106 (La charla se transmitirá en videoconferencia 
al LPA, Campus Santiago, San Joaquín). En esta ocasión *Dominik 
Hartmann, Ph.D.* nos presentará su trabajo titulado: "Income Inequality 
and the Productive Structure of Countries".

*Resumen:* New data availability and visualization methods allow to 
create a more fine-grained picture of economic development and invites 
students and scholars from different disciplines to join the debate on 
structural change and inequality. The purpose of this project is to 
establish some stylized empirical facts relating income inequality, at 
the national and subnational level, to the industries present in a 
location and the products exported by different locations. The study 
takes 773 industrial sectors, 121 countries and 47 years into account, 
illustrating that more complex industries, such as machinery and 
electronics tend to be produced in countries with lower GINI 
coefficients, whereas industries based on natural resources (such as 
cocoa beans or copper) are produced in countries with high GINI 
coefficients. The results illustrate that the productive structure of 
countries conditions not just economic growth, but also the level of 
income inequality.

*Mini Bio:* Dr. Hartmann is a development economist. His research 
explores the complex relations between structural economic change and 
human development, revealing the co-evolutionary relations between 
economic diversity, social networks and inequality. His last book 
"Economic Complexity and Human Development" shows how Economic 
Diversification and Social Networks affect human agency and welfare. 
Currently Hartmann is a post-doctoral fellow in the Macro Connections 
group at the MIT Media Lab (US) and a research fellow at the University 
of Hohenheim (Germany). Please find more information in 

¡Quedan todos cordialmente invitados!

Cordiales Saludos,

Comité de Coloquios

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